What Is The Keto Diet?

What Is The Keto Diet?

When it comes to getting healthy, there seems to be a program for every goal -- from weight loss to gaining muscle mass . Yet, most of those options do nothing more than make you feel hungry. Really hungry. That is, until the keto diet. There’s been a lot of hype around keto in the health industry that’s leading many people to wonder what it is? How does it help? Is it right for me? It’s stirring up a ton of commotion and for all the right reasons. Those are all important questions to ask so we’re going to break it down for you so that everything you need to know about the keto diet is answered. 

The ketosis diet is a diet focused on high fat, low carb, and moderate protein amounts. It's meant to push your body into ketosis which forces it to burn fat for energy rather than burning glucose, or sugar, for energy. It’s been around for quite a while, but only has gained popularity in recent years! It’s an amazing way of planned eating and has shown to have many positive effects on the brain and body. Fueling your body with clean foods is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but by following the keto diet you’re kicking it up a notch to change the way your body operates. That’s what happens when your body is in ketosis and what’s amazing is that it’s as simple as changing the way you eat to reap the benefits.  

When Did The Keto Diet Start? 

The ketogenic diet started in the early 1900s as a therapeutic alternative to prescriptions for those struggling with epilepsy. Its original name was ketogenic therapy and it wasn’t until a couple of decades later that it started competing for the best in the diet and weight-loss department. Now known by it’s more popular name “the keto diet,” this diet has proved itself successful in the health industry.   

What Can You Eat on The Keto Diet? 

This is the best part! You’re not restricted to borderline starving yourself and yes, you get to enjoy fats. However, we’re talking about healthy fats. To kick your body into ketosis, it’s essential to know the difference between good fats and healthy fats. Good fats are unsaturated fats such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Bad fats are saturated fats and artificial trans fats. Here is a quick cheat sheet for good and bad fats: 

Please double check your good and bad fats list. You have French fries on both. 

Good Fats Bad Fats

  • Avocado
  • Seeds
  • Coconut Oil 
  • Fish
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Cheese
  • Mayonnaise 
  • French Fries
  • Donuts
  • Cookies 
  • Pizza
  • Peanut Oil

Healthy eating is all about balance. You can’t devour unhealthy foods and expect to see changes that you’re striving for. Thankfully, keto is all about balance. A healthy balance between fats, moderate protein, and minimal carbs (and we don't mean carbs from bread, we’re talking carbs you would get from vegetables). The world of the keto diet can open up your eyes to so many delicious, guilt-free foods without giving up things you love. For example, craving something sweet? Dip some almond butter in dark chocolate. Can’t drink your coffee without cream? Try it with butter and you won’t go back. Need a savory snack? Bake thin slices of cheese to make you own homemade cheez-its or eat plenty of hot dogs, which are easy to cook. Trust us, you won’t feel like you’re missing out when following the keto diet as you might with other diets. 

Who Should Try The Keto Diet? 

As the keto diet has gained more popularity, more and more people are hopping on the keto train. After all, how many diets encourage you to eat fat bombs guilt-free? If you’re new to keto, welcome! Fat bombs are everything you’ve been looking for. They are a delicious high-fat, keto snack-size bite. Perfect as a snack, for an energy boost, or simply as a treat. Keto is a great lifestyle for anyone looking to lose weight, but there is way more to it than just that. There’s a ton of benefits that come with keto leading to the deciding factor of whether or not a person should try it: 

  • Weight Loss- The majority of people who kickstart their keto diet are looking to lose some weight and increase muscle mass. Since the keto diet focuses on burning fat from the healthy fats you’re consuming, you’re able to lose weight (and not just water weight). Say goodbye to those stubborn love handles!  It’s also known to reduce hunger and increase metabolism. 
  • Lower Blood Sugar- It’s no secret that diabetes is on the rise and continues to do so at a scary fast pace. Cue the keto diet! Since the keto diet focuses on burning healthy fats instead of sugar for energy, there’s no reason to indulge in the processed sugary foods you’d normally eat. Avoiding sugar is key to keeping your body in ketosis and therefore, it can help lower blood sugar because you’re opting for non-sweets. 
  • Improve Heart Health- When following the keto diet a person is more likely to eat healthy fats instead of bad fats resulting in lower cholesterol. This can improve heart health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. If heart disease runs in the family or if you struggle with high cholesterol then the keto diet may be worth a shot. 
  • Reduce Seizures- As mentioned above, the intentions behind the keto diet was for an alternative treatment to those suffering from epilepsy who were not responding to medication. This is due to the fat, protein, and carb ratio.
  • Increase Brain Function- Ketones which are generated during ketosis are known to strengthen and protect the brain and its cells. Therefore, the keto diet may provide neuroprotective benefits.

If any of these sound ideal to you, then you should strongly consider looking into the keto diet and giving it a try. You may find that the keto lifestyle is right for you!

Is The Keto Diet Healthy?

The short answer is yes! The keto diet is healthy to follow, but when followed correctly, as with any diet. The reason a few people may struggle with the keto diet is because they don’t eat enough. Starving yourself is not what keto is meant to be which is why it’s important to meal prep or have snacks readily available when you get hungry again- Fat bombs or a handful of nuts are great options. The keto diet is actually known to reduce hunger so when you feel hungry, listen to your body. 

A great way to keep yourself healthy and in ketosis is by nourishing your body with supplements such as collagen powder or electrolytes. However, make sure you’re choosing high-quality products such as those from Adapted Nutrition which are made with no added sugars, artificial ingredients, and fillers, no soy or peanut, and gluten-free. Supplementing naturally will support keto and healthy weight loss and help you increase focus and stay energized. 

Can You Lose Weight?

Absolutely! Most people who start keto are trying to reboot after an overindulgence or looking to kickstart their weight loss journey. The reason so many people believe in keto is because the results are there. The majority of people who go on diets find themselves losing weight just to gain it back quicker than they lost it and that’s usually because they’re losing water weight rather than stored fat. But this isn’t the case for people who follow the keto diet. Rather than using carbohydrates to provide energy, being in ketosis forces your body to use stored fat for energy. No wonder people who start a keto diet find themselves turning it into a lifestyle. 

What To Know Before The Keto Diet? 

Before starting any new diet, it’s important to understand that your body will go through some changes. This adjustment period can be easier for some people and more challenging for others. For example, while the keto diet comes with so many benefits, there is a small window of time where people experience flu-like symptoms without actually having the flu. This is called the keto-flu. It’s important to know that this is temporary, it’s just your body's way of adjusting to fat-burning rather than carb-burning. On average it can be a couple days to two weeks, but we advise you to stay strong and stick to the healthy fats. You’ll be happy you did! Consider supplementing with electrolytes, such as Adapted Nutrition’s keto electrolyte powder, to replenish and stay hydrated throughout your keto journey. This will help you get through the keto flu and stay energized and you’ll come out of it feeling better than before. 

Another important factor to know before starting the keto diet is that it’s ok to supplement and in most cases, it’s recommended. Why not take supplements that are beneficial to your overall health? Of course you want to make sure the supplements are clean and don’t have any processed additives or added sugars. Some great supplements to consider while on keto are collagen such as collagen peptides or collagen powder, electrolyte powder, and BHB. These supplements work with keto to make sure your body is getting all the nourishment it needs. If you’re already taking the first steps to feel better and be healthier through diet changes such as the keto diet, then why not take it a step further by supporting the diet with additional supplements. If you could make something great even greater, why wouldn’t you?